Profile PictureArvindh Sundar

Make What People Want

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Make What People Want

8 ratings

Don't launch a dud product.

Get more sales by making exactly what people really want.

In less than 60 minutes, this toilet-friendly course helps you find and validate your idea before you build it.

Inside, I show you EXACTLY how to create products people love using a dependable and repeatable process.


  • Battle-Tested Building Framework: Discover, define, develop and deliver validated products & services
  • Mindreading Techniques: Learn how to read your customers' minds and make what people want
  • Pivot with Precision: Know what to do if you've built something nobody wants
  • Ridiculously Awesome Support: Get live calls, async support & community access to help you make what people want from a founder who gets fan mail

Get the step by step guide to making profitable products that people want 👉🏼

Pictures & Screenshots

Coming soon.

What Early Customers Say

Coming soon

Avoid the business graveyard. This course is perfect for you if...

  • You're a first time founder
  • You're building a side hustle
  • You don't know what your customers want
  • You've launched something before but it didn't sell much
  • Your marketing isn't getting you sales
  • You suspect you're all fart, no shit
  • You want to build a business, not a hobby project

Stop guessing. Start making what people want. 👉🏼

Don't buy this if...

  1. You don't have 60 mins to learn the stuff in the course. Seriously. The course is less than 60 mins long!
  2. You wanna keep on doing what you've been doing - even if it doesn't help you succeed.
  3. You don't have $49 to invest in your business.
  4. You've got no clue if your business idea will succeed, but you don't wanna do anything about it.
  5. You don't wanna learn how to increase your odds of business success.
  6. You plan to ask for a refund. I don't do refunds.

Moar Happy Customers

Coming soon.

What's Inside

  1. 60 minutes of extremely high value per second video content + workbooks + checklists + prompts
  2. The most common mistake first time founders make - and the stupidly simple solution
  3. How to find a large and profitable opportunity - and a special tool that will help you in the process
  4. What to do with something nobody wants - and 5 levers you can use to turn your situation around
  5. How to design your business using the Put The Player First framework
  6. Invitation to the community of fellow learners
  7. Prompts to help you make what people want
  8. Checklists to help you make what people want
  9. Bonus conversations with others who make what people want
  10. 3 Monsters that can kill your business - and how this course can help
  11. The one business problem money can solve - and a harsh reality check for many founders
  12. The deficiency in your business that can sink your business - and a simple (but scary) answer
  13. The gap that destroys businesses - and how to... please mind the gap (ba-dum-tsss!)
  14. How to use your customers to build your business
  15. How to make what people want - with a step by step, repeatable process

Buy The Validation System That Pays for Itself Now 👉🏼

Why buy THIS course?

  1. The worst place to be is to be trapped in bronze handcuffs - a place where you don't know if you should fold or double down. This course has the process to find the answer.
  2. This course has been specifically designed to have the maximum value density possible - I've tried to put in as much value per second as possible in each video.
  3. I've built this keeping first time founders in mind. If you've not yet got a successful product in the market, this course will help you.
  4. I've built this course to be as actionable as possible. This is the course I wish I had when I was starting out. (Turns out, many other people too.)

Why buy this course NOW?

  1. The best time to start a business was 2006. The next best time is now.
  2. You're probably wasting time guessing and second guessing your decisions about your business. The sooner you stop, the better.
  3. This course teaches you how to go from idea to opportunity to business to building. You need to start this process ASAP.
  4. There's no telling what happens when the singularity hits us. So, make hay while the sun shines, eh?

Why buy this course from ME?

  1. If anyone else is selling you this course, I'd be very surprised. I made this!
  2. I built this course using the techniques in this course! Meta, eh?
  3. This is what I do for a living. My coaching clients have followed this process - and are earning more than me.
  4. You're getting way more than the course - you get the community and the future course vault videos too.

Stop wasting time, money and effort on expensive flops. Validate your idea before you build it. 👉🏼


  • What if I don't have a business idea yet? This course will help you find and validate a profitable idea.
  • How long is the course? It’s self-paced, but you can finish in less than an hour. Seriously. The longest video is like 5 minutes long.
  • Do I get lifetime access? Yes, you can revisit the material anytime.
  • Can you guarantee that this will work? Nope. All I can guarantee is that by following the processes here, you will increase your odds of your business success.
  • But I know customers will love my idea! Famous last words. Even visionary products need validation at each step to avoid costly duds.
  • I don't have time for more theory. You'll get actionable stuff, not fluff. Plus, once you learn this approach, you can apply it for every product you build in the future.
  • Is this just for startups? Nope. The frameworks apply to companies of any size and by anyone. I've used this to help coaches, solopreneurs, indiehackers, first time founders, bootstrapped small businesses and funded companies quickly validate their ideas for new offerings.
  • I can build stuff fast. I don't need to spend so much time validating. Sure. But building fast ain't the same as building right. What's the point of failing fast - wasting time, money and energy? Look... if you wanna build for the joy of building, do it. If you wanna build so that you get a business with sustained revenue and success, you need to make what people want.
  • "I don't need to speak to customers. I'll look at search volumes and build something." This is my pet peeve, so imagine a pseudo-cockney-British accent while reading my answer: Search data is awesome. It tells you what people are looking for, but, it doesn't tell you WHY. It doesn't tell you the exact problem they're trying to solve either. Speaking with customers gives you qualitative insights that data alone cannot give you. And this understanding helps you make what people want.

Arvindh is dead. Long live Arvindh.

Back in 2019, I was young and naive with big dreams, thinking my product and services would be a huge success.

But I was so wrong.

When I started my company, I messed up a lot. I got an expensive WeWork subscription, got some fancy gear and went deep into product development.

I was blinded. And dumb.

I focused too much on how awesome my product was.

But, when I launched, nobody wanted it, and I lost a ton of money.

My savings were drained in just 6-8 months, and I had to go back to doing something I didn't want.


Instead of one employer, now I had many.

So, while I struggled to make ends meet, I built a side hustle for my side hustle.

During the three years that followed, I shipped different types of products like PDFs, courses, workshops and did consulting.

During this trial by fire, I learned what actually works.

I tested it again and again for my coaching and consulting clients.

Yep. It worked.

I realized that there's a powerful and repeatable process to make what people want.

I took that process and packaged it up as this course so you don't have to go through the heartache and frustration of launching something nobody wants.

Been there, done that – now let me help you avoid it.



Don't be like the old Arvindh. Be like the new Arvindh. Buy this course and apply it. 👉🏼

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Learn the step by step, repeatable process to make what people want - in less than 60 minutes.

How many videos?
Total Duration?
< 60 min
Has workbook?
Has prompts?
Has checklists?
Of course
Has gifs?
You bet
Has dad jokes?
Has refunds?
Has community?
Yes. On Discord
Has downloads?
Has sales pitch?
Yes. An invitation for my coaching services, if you found this useful
Has handsome instructor?
His daughter believes so.
Is useful to everyone?
No. Just to founders & product managers
How long is each video?
About 2 -3 minutes. Longest is ~ 5 min
Copy product URL
No refunds allowed


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