Marketing for Builders: Step by Step Guide To Building Your First Marketing Engine

9 ratings

This course is perfect for you if...

  • You are a Technical Founder
  • You've built (or are building) a tech product or service
  • You feel you don't have marketing skills (or worse - hate marketing!)
  • Want to grow your business

More importantly, if you have complaints like the ones below, you'll be right at home:

  • You feel like you don't get marketing.
  • You think marketing feels more like a 'woo-woo' art than a science of logic and rules.
  • You feel like your runway is rapidly shrinking.
  • You'd rather spend more time building stuff than marketing it.
  • You don't have the revenue or traction you want.
  • You've got a great product, but nobody's buying.
  • You want to hit your MRR goals faster.
  • You don't know how to create compelling content.
  • You're not sure which marketing channels to focus on.
  • You don't have a clear marketing strategy.
  • You think marketing seems like a "soft" skill that you're not good at.

What You'll Learn

  • Understand what marketing is and how it works
  • Know how to build your own marketing engine
  • Get clarity about your business
  • Get clarity about how you will make money
  • Build your first marketing plan
  • Pick the right channels for you
  • Learn how to interact with your ideal audience
  • Learn how to create content that your audience cares about
  • Learn how to keep your marketing engine going
  • Have a list of marketing projects to execute
  • Understand The Marketing Roadmap and what to do after this course

What's Inside

  1. 38 high quality videos
  2. 3+ hours of content teaching you everything you need to go from 0 to 1 in terms of marketing
  3. Mindmaps of the entire course
  4. Course Material - including the ultimate way to build a marketing plan for builders
  5. Notion workbook to follow along with the course
  6. 4-5 Easter Eggs (including 1 that gives you a massive discount on my next paid product)

If you have any questions, reach out to me on Twitter @arvindhsundar

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3 hours +
Mindmaps of each module
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Marketing for Builders: Step by Step Guide To Building Your First Marketing Engine

9 ratings
I want this!